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Acupuncture & Dry Needling (Medical Acupuncture)

Dr. Abelson has a significant amount of training in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions using Traditional Acupuncture, and Dry Needling (Medical Acupuncture).   He is authorized and insured to provide acupuncture treatments for his patients.


  • The purpose of traditional acupuncture is to balance the flow of energy (Chi) and circulation in the body, and to reduce pain. Traditional acupuncture often produces a wide range of effects in areas of the body other than where the acupuncture needles are inserted.

  • In comparison, Dry Needling is primarily directed at releasing trigger points (tender points within the muscle and connective tissue).

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Why We Use Acupuncture & Dry Needling


At Kinetic Health, we use acupuncture/dry needling to provide:


  • Pain Relief

  • Release of the myofascial Network (Please hyperlink these two bullets to the appropriate heading/section)


Pain Relief


Pain relief is one of the main reasons why we integrate acupuncture into our therapeutic protocols. The actual neurophysiological mechanisms of why acupuncture reduces pain is often up for debate,  but it is proven that Acupuncture can be an effective method for reducing pain across a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. We commonly use  Acupuncture or Dry Needling to relieve pain for:


  • Ankle and foot pain

  • Arm, elbow, and wrist pain (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

  • Back pain (low back, and thoracic)

  • Headaches (migraine and tension headaches)

  • Jaw pain (TMD)

  • Knee pain

  • Neck pain (strains, whiplash injuries)

  • Shoulder Pain (rotator cuff injuries, arthritis)


Release Tension/Restrictions in Myofascial Networks


We combine Acupuncture or Dry Needling with hands-on treatment modalities to release restrictions in the myofascial network (the body’ kinetic web).


The prefix 'myo’' refers to muscle, while ‘fascia’ refers to the connective tissue that permeates the entire human body. Fascia is everywhere in the body, weaving through, and connecting every component of the body. Fascia forms a seamless web of connective tissue, which connects, holds, and infuses the tendons, organs, muscles, tissues, and skeletal structures.

Fascia is often defined as ‘one interconnected tensional network that adapts its fiber arrangement and density according to local tensional demands.’ When fascial tension is in good balance, fascia acts to distribute force throughout the body, and allows us to store and release energy for propulsion and motion in general. When fascial tension is out-of-balance, hypertensive, or restricted, fascia can become the source of numerous dysfunctions, as these fascial restrictions can affect function throughout the kinetic chain.


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The Convergence of Western & Eastern Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) talks about Acupuncture points lying along meridians or energy channels in the body.  It describes the flow of energy (Chi) through these meridians. Much of TCM focuses on the balancing of this energy.  The problem from a western medical perspective is that this Chi energy cannot be easily measured, and acupuncture points cannot be seen on diagnostic imaging.  Hence, in the past western practitioners have often been very skeptical about the benefits of acupuncture.  That is, until recent advances in Fascial Research. Essentially, they were asking “How could something like a needle in one point of the body affect distant structures in the body?”  Research is now hypothesizing that the answer could be found in the body’s bioelectric activity.

Bioelectric activity is easily measured in the brain, heart, and muscles.


  • Western medicine is also very familiar with something called the piezoelectric effect. This is where mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. Interestingly medical research has now shown that Fascia can convert mechanical stress into electrical signals.

  • In addition, research is now showing that certain fascial lines (along which 90% of the acupuncture points can be found in the extremities) are actually pathways of low resistance for the conduction of electricity.

  • In general terms, fascia has been found to be a very good conductor and generator of electrical current. (It is now hypothesized that restrictions in fascia could alter the flow of electric current, and affect the function and response of distant structures).

Thus needling into the fascia (connective tissue) could generate an electrical current (the piezoelectric effect). It actually improves the body’s ability to send bioelectrical signals into far-reaching tissue, via the fascial network. This would explain how the mechanical force of acupuncture can have such dramatic effects on deep tissues of the body.


Discover These Benefits For Yourself​


At Kinetic Health we, often combine our soft-tissue procedures with acupuncture or acupressure.  By combining these modalities, we can achieve significantly greater positive changes, even in cases where previous treatments have not been successful.  If you would like to experience this for yourself, book an acupuncture appointment today with Dr. Abelson.


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  1. Findley, T., and Schleip, R. (2009). ‘Introduction.’ In P.A. Huijing, P. Hollander, T.W. Findley and R. Schleip (eds) Fascia Research II: Basic Science and Implications for Conventional and Complementary Health Care. Munich: Urban and Fischer.

  2. Findley, T., Chaudhry, H., Stecco, A., and Roman, M. (2012) ‘Fascia research – a narrative review.’ Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 16, 1, 67–75.

  3. Langevin, H.M. (2006) ‘Connective tissue: a body-wide signaling network?’ Med. Hypotheses 66, 6, 1074–1077.

  4. Langevin, H.M., and Yandow, J.A. (2002) ‘Relationship of acupuncture points and channels to connective tissue planes.’ Anat. Rec. 269, 6, 257–265.

  5. Langevin, H.M., Churchill, D., and Cipolla, M.J. (2001) ‘Mechanical signaling through connective tissue: a mechanism for the therapeutic effect of acupuncture.’ The FASEB Journal 15, 12, 2275–2282.

  6. Schleip, R., Findley, T., Chaitow, L., and Huijing, P. (2012a) The Tensional Network of the Human Body. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

  7. Yi, X., and Encong, W. (1996) ‘Acupuncture treatment and the piezoelectric effect.’ EJOM 2, 1, 41–43.

Dr. Brian Abelson

Best-selling author, Dr. Brian Abelson, is the Clinical Director of Kinetic Health, an innovative health care facility that places a special focus on getting people back into an active, pain-free lifestyle.

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At Kinetic Health, we are proud of our high success rate in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions and are even happier about the high level of patient satisfaction that we regularly achieve. 


Our comprehensive examination processes, ability to integrate multiple and effective treatment modalities, and our customized treatment and exercise plans ensure that every patient receives a high quality of care that addresses their specific needs.


We have great working relationships with the medical community across the city. You can expect your medical practitioner to receive clear summations of our examination findings with follow-up letters about our treatment results. This collaboration ensures your needs are met effectively.

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